Friday, May 26, 2006


Bag Lady!

After seeing yesterday's photos of my IV tree, my friend emailed and said I bring new meaning to the term "bag lady." Yesterday was my big day. I now have an additional birthday to celebrate each year. So don't forget presents twice a year folks! just kidding...

Today was more anti-rejection drugs and confinement to my room. I had my physical therapy and occupational therapy sessions in my room. The new stem cells should start producing a noticable amount of healthy blood cells in a few weeks at which time my white cells should go up and I'll be able to leave my room.

Thank you all for being on this wild ride with me. I can't tell you what a difference you've all made for me. You've kept me cheerful and positive and forever grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. Love you all, Nance

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