Thursday, May 25, 2006


Bone Marrow Transplant - Day Zero!!

The bone marrow arrived at City of Hope this afternoon. Nancy received about 1000 ml in five bags today (small dark bag with the blue label on the left). The stem cells in the marrow should seek out the cavities in the bone, engraft, and begin producing blood cells. We look forward to seeing increases in white cells and platelets in the weeks to come. Note the tree with all the bags connected to Nancy. Yikes!

Nancy will still require packed red cells and platelets until the new marrow cells are producing sufficient quantities. Thanks to all who have been donating!

Here's Nancy and Mom (hiding behind the mask). Mom continues to visit Nancy nearly everyday. She has been at all the appointments for the past four years. Thanks Mom!

Thank you for the continued cards, letters, and emails! They are all very encouraging!

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