Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Independence Day!

After 50 days, I was discharged from the City of Hope Today! Since I still need daily transfusions, I'm staying in the "Village" on the City of Hope property. It's like a studio apartment with accomodations for patient and caregiver.

What a ride this has been. I was admitted on Mother's Day and released on 4th of July. I still have daily appointments, but I'm no longer connected to the IV tree. This alone was very liberating. I'm still on a low bacteria diet for another two months. I have to wear a mask and gloves anytime I'm outside of my room at the Village. This will continue even when I go home. I hope my new stem cells will start to make enough platelets to support me. Once I can get my platelet transfusions down to twice per week, I can go home and just come in twice per week for my appointments.

My mom is stepping in as my caregiver. It's a big responsibility. She has to cook everything a certain way for the low bacteria diet, she has to wash dishes a certain way and can't dry them. Instructions are to let dishes air dry in rack. Many foods need to be avoided. At some point, somebody will have to spell her so she can go home, do our laundry and get some of her own things done. Kurt, Cathy, or Mark will be able to relieve her probably on the weekend.

Thank you for your support over the last few months. I feel that I came through the transplant fairly well. I still have to be very careful as my immune system will be fragile for months. I still can get Graft vs. Host Disease (rejection), but I'm hoping if I do get it, it'll be mild and we'll be able to control it with medications. I feel optimistic for the future and have no reason to believe there will be any other outcome. Thank you all for your love and support. love, nance

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