Sunday, July 23, 2006


It's Just A Matter of Time

Well, I'm still in the hospital. I feel so much better now. They gave me a new drug to help with my pain and I feel like a new person. It'll be just a matter of time before I'm well enough to be discharged. I'm still on a high dose of steroids to help with the GVHD (rejection) so my appetite is a bit out of control. I'm even eating the hospital food. Yikes!

I hear it has been terribly hot outside! I can't tell from inside my hospital room. It's always a constant 75 degrees in here.

I had a lot of potential blood/platelet donors show up yesterday (Saturday) who were unable to donate. If you have given platelets in the recent past, they need a doctor to sign off that you are eligible to donate again. On Saturdays, there is no doctor available to approve another donation. So, please ask when you make your appointments if you are eligible to give based on your donation history. If you are not eligible, do not make your appointments on Saturdays. There is a doctor in house Monday through Friday who'll approve additional blood/platelet donations.

Thank you for your support. I miss you all. love, nancy

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