Monday, August 07, 2006


Enjoying the Family

I'm enjoying being at home. The novelty hasn't worn off yet. The hospital almost seems like a distant memory. The boys have been so good about helping out around the house. I'm not allowed to sort dirty laundry so Andrew continues to be the laundry man. Scott has been good about the dishes and Mark has been cooking me my low bacteria meals. I get fatigued real easily so they let me sleep when I'm tired.

Mark took me to my appointment today. We were at the City of Hope from 9:15 am until 2:15 pm. We start with labwork and have to wait for the blood counts to be processed. Then we saw my doctor who ordered a two hour infusion of magnesium. The anti-rejection drugs that I'm on really bring down the magnesium level in my body. I'm also taking heavy doses of magnesium orally.

Speaking of oral medications. I'm taking something like 27 pills per day. This is quite a task which requires that I keep a journal. Some medicatons can't be taken within two hours of other medications. The medications are taken one to three times per day. Without good record-keeping, I would be lost.

Thank you all for your continued well wishes. I appreciate all of your love and support. love, nancy

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