Saturday, September 09, 2006


Bubble Wrap Me!

Mark took me in today again to the City of Hope. We left at 9:30 am and didn't get home until 4:30 pm. The good news is that my white count is hovering at the low normal level by itself (not being pushed with neupogen.) My platelet count was under 5 (normal 150 - 350) again today so they transfused me with a unit of platelets. The first unit only brought me to 9 so they chased it with another unit of platelets (both LC63112) which brought it to a whopping 10 (obviously still an extremely critical level.) They said to return if any signs of bleeding or bruising occur or if I get a bad headache, go immediately to the closest ER. Isn't this comforting?

So, we decided that I need to be bubble wrapped until my appointment on Monday morning. Course, I'll go in, if need be, between now and then. Mark said he'd buy me some protective football gear, too.

Thank you for your precious donations of platelets. I'm sorry I'm killing them off so quickly.... I know, that's very rude of me. I don't know how to change all that. My doctors need to figure out how to control my platelet count. I know they will, but in the meantime, I have to be very careful! love you all, nancy

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