Saturday, September 30, 2006


A Good Day

Yesterday was another good day at the clinic. I checked in, waited a while before they took my labs, waited for the those results and found out that I still am maintaining a platelet count of 21 !!! They want to see if I can hold at this level by myself, so I didn't get a platelet transfusion. I didn't need a red blood cell transfusion yet (borderline) and I turned down the magnesium transfusion since I wasn't getting anything else and I promised to take an extra magnesium pill !! I left with no IV's !! Woo hoooo...

I'm still hoping that I turned the corner on the whole low platelet thingy (that's the official medical terminology for what I had.) I had the problem since mid-August. I go back tomorrow, Sunday, to get my labs drawn and have possible transfusions.

Have you ever seen a baby monkey? My hair is starting to grow in a little bit, and it is growing straight up kind of like baby monkey hair. Only, it doesn't seem like hair, it seems more like fuzz. It's very short and I hear it's going to take more than a year before I can do anything with it. Hair grows back at different rates and thickness, fullness, etc.. depending on the type of chemo the patient had to undergo. Since my chemo was the strongest, it's growing back very slowly and sparse. I think someday, I may even accomplsh the dreaded combover.. ha ha

Thank you for continuing to follow my progress... love you all, nancy

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