Friday, September 08, 2006


A Tough Week

This has been a really rough week. I spent Tuesday from 8 am - 6 pm, Wednesday from 11am - 7:30 pm and Thursday from 8 am - 4 pm at the City of Hope. These days were so long... they should just put me on payroll already! My main problem is my platelets... still. Each day I received either one or two units of platelets and the next day my platelets were down to 5 (000) or less (normal 150-350.) These are extremely critical levels and I'm to watch for bleeding from my gums, nose, eyes, ears or anywhere else. Also, I'm suppose to watch for new bruises. Any signs of bleeding, I'm to rush back to the City of Hope.

They are now HLA matching platelets for me in hopes that I'll get a good boost from the transfusions and hopefully, hold onto a higher platelet count. So far, I did get a little boost but still can't hold onto the platelet count. They also transfused me via four hour IV on Wednesday and Thursday with Gammagard. This is a human blood product that contains immunoglobulins (or antibodies) to protect against infectious agents that cause various diseases. The antibodies fight infections. If a virus is responsible for the low platelet count, this should help. They need to figure out this platelet problem fast as it is very dangerous for me to be walking around with virtually no platelets. Regarding the antibodies... when I received the high dose chemo just prior to my bone marrow transplant, all of my immune system was wiped out. Because of this, when I am one year post-transplant, they have to test my immune system and possibly give me all my childhood vaccinations again. These will include Mumps, measles, rubella, small pox, and the like. I'm like a baby again... waaahhhhh

Some of you have received phone calls from the City of Hope Donor Center. Some of you are good HLA platelets matches for me so thank you for your continued donations. I've received the following units in the past week LC62784, LC62472, LC63052 and LC63040. I've also received two units of red blood cells. Sorry, I've been a little bad about keeping up with the unit numbers. I'll try and do better.

So, that is what's happening with me at this point in time. I'm sure they'll figure out the problem and then I'll be back on the mend. But, in the meantime, I have to take it easy and try not to hurt myself (I'm usually not too clumsly, but the more I try and be careful, the more I run into things.... go figure.)

The boys finally started school yesterday! Yeah... Scott is entering his last year in high school and Andrew is a junior. Where have the years gone?

Thank you for keeping up with my blog. I hope to blog with better news in the next few days. Thanks for your continued love and support! love, nancy

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