Sunday, August 03, 2008


A3M Marrow Drives and Steroids

I just wanted to blog today to say that I finally got a chance to volunteer at an A3M marrow donor drive last Saturday and Sunday at the Southeast Japanese School & Community Center in Norwalk. I had the pleasure of meeting a fantastic young adult who has the same thing that I do (did) but she's only 26 years old. Krissy is hapa and is in search of donor. She was out there rallying for new potential donors with many of her friends and family members. She is also lucky to be supported by so many friends and family, in fact, we were able to recruit a total of 190 new potential donors!! It was an awesome drive and it felt good to be part of it! Here is a picture of Krissy and I (taken on my blackberry, so sorry for the poor quality shot!)

In other news: I had a flare-up of some gvhd or something that is causing joint pain. So, my doctor put me on a fairly high dose (50mg/day) of steroids (prednisone) over a week ago. I'd forgotten why I didn't like prednisone... I'm so spacey (yes... even more so than normal - for those of you who don't miss an opportunity to bag on me.) and am eating everything in sight. My sleeping schedule is totally messed up and I'm anxious all the time. We're tapering the dosage off little by little and I can't wait to be off the stuff. But, it is helping and most of the symptoms have dissipated.

I need you all to send good and positive thoughts and prayers to so many needing transplants or facing complications.

-Krissy, as I mentioned above, is in need of a donor

-My friend, Ann Gregory, has relapsed and is in need of an adult donor.

-Another friend, Susan Carrier (also hapa) is having some complications following autologous transplant. The doctors at the City of Hope are trying to figure out what's ailing her. In the meantime, she's feeling pretty lousy.

You can click on the sidebar to view Ann or Susan's blogs.

Thank you for following my journey. I thank God for everyday of my life and for all of you.

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