Wednesday, February 09, 2011


A Match Found For Krissy Kobata!!!

2011, Year of the Rabbit, begins with fantastic news! After a very long search, a 9/10 match has been found for Krissy Kobata. (My match was also 9/10) To view her updates, click on her name on the sidebar of my blog. And keep registering new potential donors!!! We still have a lot of work to do!!!

I'm sorry for my absence. Happy New Year to all of you!!! Nothing earth shaking happening with me. I spent most of holidays under the weather. After two different 10 day doses of antibiotics (almost back to back), other medications, doctor visits and muscle damage due to extreme coughing spells, I'm finally well. It took Krissy's great news to get me to crawl out from under my rock and post to my blogsite!

Let's all keep praying for Krissy and her potential donor, as well!!! Thanks for checking in on me. Love you all, n

great, congratulations!
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